Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Jesus' Dynasty of Life

This week the world was shocked to learn from the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, that she was diagnosed with cancer. A young mother of three young children with a pivotal role in the British Empire is facing her connection with Adam’s dynasty of death. While her prognosis seems to be good, death still reigns, looming over her, close enough to feel its breath on her neck. I grieve what she is experiencing and pray for the restoration of her health. 

This past week, in considering Romans 5:12-21, we learned that Adam broke faith with God and his guilt was placed on his family. As a result, along with the corrupt nature of our ancestor, death spread to all mankind. Now, we sin because we’re sinners, corrupted sons and daughters of Adam. But God, rich in mercy, sent his Son to rescue Adam’s race. As the apostle says Jesus was, “delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification,” Romans 4:25.

Jesus, like Adam, is the head of a family; but unlike Adam, he does not break faith with God -- he obeys. Like Adam, he has something to ascribe to his family; but unlike Adam, it is righteousness -- not sin. Paul makes the point that the gift of grace overcomes the sin in the most sinful person who turns in faith to Christ. The resurrection settles the question of his righteousness and assures us that our hope in Christ is proper. Join us Sunday as we worship and rejoice in Jesus’ dynasty of life!

Tim Locke