Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Love Displayed

Great acts of sacrifice are easy to spot. On 9.11, police and firefighters raced up the burning towers of the World Trade Center to rescue victims of the terrorist attack. During WW2, Nicholas Palermo ran toward three machine gun nests, taking them out to rescue his unit, sacrificing himself in battle. Rosa Parks, working with Martin Luther King, prepared and executed a plan to challenge the Montgomery segregation law, knowing it would lead to her arrest but that it would also create a legal battle pushing the issue to the Supreme Court. These individuals put their lives on the line out of affection for others. Their affection was put on display for all to see!
The Apostle Paul assures us that hope in our glorification and eternal life will not disappoint us. We won’t die and be shut out of heaven on a technicality. How do we know this to be true? All we need do is look at the masterpiece of justification and our fears are relieved. Jesus sacrificed himself for us while we were still God’s enemies, sinners facing his judgment. If he would do that in our “weak” condition, then he will certainly carry us to the finish line now that we are justified by faith. Join us as we consider this well-known text, Romans 5:6-11.

Tim Locke