A Journey Group is a place for life-on-life missional discipleship where we are developing spiritual maturity in the lives of our people. It isn’t just about knowledge or activity; in a Journey Group, we are building authentic relationships and following Jesus’ model of discipleship to mentor and disciple people in their spiritual journey with the purpose of them becoming mature and equipped followers of Christ.

New Journey Groups begin each fall. We encourage you to get involved in a Life Group while you’re waiting for new Journey Groups to form.

Interested in joining a Journey Group?

+ What are Journey Groups?

Journey Groups are groups of 4-8 men or women that covenant with one another for a year at a time for the purpose of growing as followers of Christ. Groups typically begin in September and go through May. Groups are defined by 1 on 1 invesment by the leader in each member's life, growth in Biblical understanding a application of Biblical principals, prayer, accountability, and weekly baby-steps toward a missional way of life.

+ Why should I be a part of a Journey Group?

We believe Jesus’ model of walking alongside and doing life with people is the best model for developing mature and equipped followers of Christ and promoting reconciliation and renewal in our lives, our families, and our community.

+ When do they meet?

Groups meet weekly in homes around our community or at the church. Meetings typically last 75-90 minutes.

+ How do I join a group?

Click on the link below. Lee Bates will follow up with you to find out a little about you and help connect you to a leader whose group is meeting at a time and location that works for you. We do not assign groups. We will introduce you to a leader who is forming a new group. Meet with a leader face-to-face. This gives you both an opportunity to get to know one another. You can find out more about the leader's group and he can learn what you are looking for in a group as well. Pray and decide. After meeting with a leader, please take a little time to think and pray about whether to commit to the group.





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